Quantum Integer Programming (QuIP)

Systems Conversation with Sridhar Tayur, Ford Distinguished Research Chair and University Professor of Operations Management, Tepper School of Business, Carnegie Mellon University

This Systems Conversation was conducted before Sridhar Tayur gave a talk in our systems seminar series. Title of his talk: Quantum Integer Programming (QuIP)

Sridhar won the Gerald L. Thompson Teaching Award, the George Leland Bach Excellence in Teaching Award given by MBA students, the INFORMS Teaching Case award, and was named ‘Top Professor’ by BusinessWeek.

He has published in Operations Research, Management Science, Mathematics of Operations Research, Mathematical Programming, Stochastic Models, Queuing Systems, Transportation Science, POMS, IIE Transactions, NRLQ, Journal of Algorithms and MSOM Journal.

He is the founder (and served as CEO) of the software company SmartOps [acquired by SAP] and is the founder of a social enterprise, OrganJet. SmartOps is the subject of a Darden Case (distributed by HBS) and OrganJet of an HBS Case, and garnered an invitation to President Obama’s White House Summit on Organ Donation.

Through his RAGS Charitable Foundation, he made a $1 million donation to Carnegie Mellon University towards the “Tepper Quad” and in 2016 endowed an Institute Chair at IIT-Madras. He has funded independent film festivals and documentaries.

He is an INFORMS Fellow, a Distinguished Fellow of MSOM Society and has been elected to the National Academy of Engineering. He has been a visiting professor at Cornell, MIT and Stanford.

In 2018, he founded Quantum Computing Group at Tepper and created the field of Quantum Integer Programming (QuIP).

He received his Ph.D. in Operations Research and Industrial Engineering from Cornell University and his undergraduate degree in Mechanical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) at Madras (where he is a Distinguished Alumnus Award winner).