Integrated Modeling for Future Cities: Transportation, Air Quality, and Health—Data, Models, And Applications
Urban systems consist of several interactive elements. How people live and move in everyday life has complex effects on air quality, climate change, and public health. These diverse interactions, combined with the challenges of dealing with the behavioral uncertainty of the humans in the center of every urban system, make the urban system particularly complex. While it is hard to model the behavior of such a system, it is even harder to predict its response to solutions, and harder yet to find the best solution to address its problems. Modelling, and further understanding all aspects of this complex interconnected system, is urgently important.
The aim of this book is to provide a clear picture of how land use, transportation, air quality, and public health are integrated, and to clarify the importance, and advantages, of more integrated planning approaches. The book unifies the core dimensions of these relationships and provides a new way for researchers and decision makers to understand, analyze, and evaluate the interconnections between the urban environment and health.
In particular, this book:
Introduces the main components of integrated transportation, air quality, and health systems, and the connection between these components
Introduces the required data to understand, analyze, and evaluate integrated transportation, air quality, and health systems
Presents the essential tools and models to understand, analyze, and evaluate integrated transportation, air quality, and health systems
Uses the integrated transportation, air quality, and health system for examples from the real world
Identifies strategies that can push integrated transportation, air quality, and health systems toward more sustainability, resulting in healthier cities.
Integrated Framework (An example)